affordable beauty school

Affordable Cosmetology School in Loveland, Colorado

Affordable monthly payments, zero-interest financing, and a flexible schedule awaits you at the Victoria James cosmetology school near you.

In-house, zero interest financing and affordable monthly payments

Can I use financial aid to pay for my tuition?

Because we are a private school, we are unable to accept federal financial aid. However, our status as a private school allows us to offer a flexible cosmetology school financing plan.

What financing plans are available for students?

All students can apply for our zero-interest, in-house financing plan. Almost all student are eligible after application.

What is the deposit to enroll at Victoria James cosmetology school near Fort Collins?

Our enrollment fee is $100. This fee is refundable, contingent on our refund schedule. See our school catalog for more details.

How much does my kit cost?

Your kit is a non-refundable purchase of $2,500. Make sure to save your receipt come tax time! That counts as a school expense.

How much is my monthly payment?

A cash, check, or credit card payment is due on the 20th of each month. The minimum monthly payment is $350. Late fees and other terms and conditions apply— see the catalog for full details.

How much do I owe when I graduate?

The remaining balance of your tuition is due when you graduate. The school is able to finance up to $6000 of your balance for a year in the form of $500/month payments.

What is the total cost of my tuition, fees, and kit?

Your total balance for our school is $20,600.

Can I make money from client services while attending school?

Yes! You will be able to take clients after 300 hours of schooling and receive gratuity for all services.